first timer

pasadena international house of prayer

i just transcribed the audio file i received from pihop tonight. been meaning to do it since early mid-october. it’s funny how much we forget. some parts were difficult to listen to over and over again…. surprisingly, it’s the compliments that’s sometimes hard to take in; i found myself cringing at some spots.

if you care to eavesdrop on my first spoken words i received from IHOP/PIHOP, be my guest. it’s rather lengthy…. & quite boring. thought, if posted this on here then i wouldn’t have too much difficulty finding it again. what a smart cookie i am. heehee :)

October 1, 2010
First Group –

Person (guy) #1: I just really feel like that…. I just kind of got Ephesians 3 for you. So during your personal time with the Lord, you can just really meditate on this… but I just feel like the Lord wants to take you to just His experiential knowledge. It’s not just about Scriptures or just memorizing or just sermons. But He wants to take you into this place that you can really experience His love. And I just see that you are the one that really is going to begin to just explore the depths and the heights and the breath and the length of his love to truly encounter his heart. And let it just completely revolutionize you for the inside out. And just, I just feel like the Lord want to take you into a season of encountering Him in a deep way. Yeah, because, you are his princess, you are his queen. He is the king of kings and he want to be lord over your life, even more to just show you how good he is. Like, it’s not just about going to heaven. But he wants to just release his goodness and just release his favor on your life. So, I just see that from this encounter, from this experience he’s just going to give more clarity and direction. But I just feel like that He just wants to overshadow you and just pour out his favor upon your life. I just want to, yeah, I just feel like that, maybe, certain dreams, or maybe certain things in your hearts desire that you kind of put on the shelf. And you’re just kind of waiting for it. I just feel that the Lord wants to catapult you forward into the ??? and really stretch your faith and really, just give you such an overcoming spirit to just conquer. He calls you a conqueror so even as Caleb had a different spirit, he had just such a boldness about him to…. He said, “Let us go up at once, we are well able.” And we are able to conqueror it. And so, yeah, I feel that the words for you are, that you are a conqueror that you are more than able. In Christ Jesus.

Person (girl) #2: This is something funny, but do you like boba tea? I just saw like, you know how they have those balls? those tapioca balls? And I keep hearing over and over, “Pearl of great price.” I feel like, it’s, that’s the value of knowing Christ and chasing after him. And I feel like that the tapioca balls in the boba is the sweetness of it. And so it’s not something that’s like hard and straining and difficult. But I feel like He’s inviting you. And also there’s this kind of, I feel like, within you, I feel like, there’s a reason, a hunger [yeah, amen] of things of God. Yeah, a searching…. that you’ve been doing [amen]. And it says, “Draw near to me and I will draw near to you.” And I feel like the Lord is saying, “I see you, drawing near to me.” And He’s like, I feel like He’s saying, “I’m going to draw nearer and nearer to you, ….” [amen]. And that pearl of great price, I feel like it’s going to be sweet. It’s going to be, like, so awesome!

Person (girl) #3: Yeah, I just felt like as soon as you sat down, just understanding…. I feel like there’s been a cry for understanding inside of you. Like you’ve been asking God for understanding. And not only just the things of Him, but even in your thought life, your personal life of what makes sense and what doesn’t make sense, of what’s happening in your life for right now. Does that make sense? [laughter] Yeah, I feel that. Yeah, I feel like, God I just need to know what is going on in my life. And I feel like God is wanting to release understanding to your current pro…. position…. state of being right now. I feel like it’s been a cry of your heart, and I feel like, God I need to know what’s going on in my life. What decisions I need to make, what needs to happen next in my life, and where am I going? That’s it. Does that makes sense? Yeah, I sense that. I feel like, I sense that these are all the questions that you’ve been asking God. And I feel like God just wants to release understanding in this season of your life. And I actually felt just to go to the book of Ephesians 1:19, it says, err 18, “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of His calling for your life.” And I just feel like God just desires for you to have, receive understanding. And, yeah, I feel as if the best is yet ahead for you.

Interjection from person #1: And the scripture to go with that, when he was speaking, I really felt Psalms 34:11, that says, “Come to me as a child, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” But if you go before that, it also says, that “Lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek after the Lord lack no good thing.” So I feel like that’s what He’s saying, so just come to me. He sees that you’re eager, as they’re all saying. And that you desire to know more about the Lord. Says you won’t lack anything. He’s going to teach you everything, He’s going to give you the knowledge and wisdom you need and give you the answers…. the strength and everything that you need.

And I just sense that even when there’s been fear and resistance of God is this going to happen? And I feel like, Yes! I feel like there’s just been a, I felt like after I gave that word that there’s been a, just been a fear of just, a fear of disappointment, like you know in the past. Or you just have experienced disappointment in your life. And I feel like I have to tell you that God is not one to lie. And I feel like every promise that He’s given you and every dream that He’s put inside of you that He surely will breathe on it. Yeah, I even feel like in this next season of your life with Him, I feel like He’s just going to remove the sting of disappointment in your life. This is not God. God is not one to ??? …. all of His promises for your life are Yes and Amen. Surely He will do it for you. AMEN! I FEEL IT, YEAH! [laughter]

Second Group –

Prayer: Lord, we just thank you again for Jane, that you’ve drawn her into your house. And that you have already determined the words that you desire to speak to her, Lord. And we just…. offer ourselves up as vessels to speak the words that you have for her, Lord. And just let the blessings you want to minister to her through us tonight.

[long pause]

Person (girl) #1: Jane, I just sense a heart of compassion. Just a heart of sensitivity to people and your surroundings. And that God has given, just a sense of… i dunno, I get a sense of discernment. And where you are loyal to people, and honor people. And with that compassion He will grow you and mature you and continue on your journey that you are on right now.

Person (girl) #2: Kind of along with that, I just got a picture of an eagle. And a lot of times an eagle is symbolic of the prophetic and just like the eagle is really unique. Because it’s the only bird that can fly above the storm, you know? And, I just, yeah, I just really feel like that’s who you are becoming. Your being in the spirit, that through the hard times you’ve really been strengthen, you know? Like, sometimes when we feel like God is crushing us, He’s actually strengthening us. And expanding our wing span. Because when you look at an eagle in the sky, like the wing span is enormous. I just feel like it’s because of that that they’re able to go above the storm. Yeah, I don’t know if you’ve been asking God to help you hear His voice more or what not. But I just really feel that the Lord has heard your prayer and is asking to hear His voice. I feel like even you being here tonight, God is even doing something with the ears of your heart. That He’s just began really just shift things to…. yeah, just to make his voice more clear. God, I just ask that you would do that for Jane. God, we just pray that there would just be…. that you would just open the ears of her heart, God. That she would just be able to recognize your voice like never before. God, I pray Jesus that that she would be able to hear your still small voice, God. And Holy Spirit, I just ask that even today that you would impart to her just a spirit of prophecy and the spirit of revelation, God. That she would be able to just see you and hear you wherever it is that she will go, God. [pause]

I also [chuckle] get a picture of a white owl. I don’t even know what the significance of it is being white, but I think that the white represents purity, too. And I just remember… we were listening to this video and it was talking about how God is, He’s raising up owls in this generation. And, owls they can see amidst the darkness. And, I just, yeah…. And kind of with that, I just feel like the Lord, like, umm… yeah, He’s just going to give you an eye just to see amidst darkness and to really like, just see the best in people. I feel like you’re one that can handle being in dark places, and you don’t feel like, scared or yeah, you don’t start to feel panicked. I just feel like, like you feel at home in a secular setting perhaps? And you can still see through the eyes of Christ. You can see amidst the darkness. I just feel like God is really going to use the prophetic in you. Just to speak out, call forth who people are suppose to be. Yeah, even people that are lost. I just feel that you’re going to be able to see it amidst the darkness around them, that you’re going to be able to call forth just the great things that God has placed inside of them. Just the great things that God has in store for them. And, yeah, I think that just the fact that I see that white owl, I feel that… it’s just your purity…. And I just know that your heart is so pure before the Lord. And He’s so honored by it. By your passion for purity, too.

Person (girl) #3: Yeah, that reminds me of, you know the Scripture, “To the pure, all things are pure.” And maybe that’s what enable you to stand in the midst of the darkness. You’re not defiled by the things that are of the darkness because you’re pure. So everything to you is pure. And you don’t take in, you don’t absorb that defilement you’re surrounded by. I feel like echoing what’s already been spoken. You already have a sensitive spirit to the Lord. Those this that you already, “Is that the Lord, is it not?” Like when you question, I feel like He wants to say, “That’s me.” [chuckle] I feel like He just wants to you to have confidence in the fact that He’s already equipped you to Him, and to be sensitive to Him. I feel like the thing that he wants to strengthen is to know that relationship with Him is a friendship. And so, like when you, umm…. like you don’t need to question it, or like making mistakes whatever, but to know, as you learn to hear Him better it will be like coming to know your best friend. And, you’ll be able to distinguish His voice the same way as your friend. And it will be a friendly voice to you, it won’t be like… umm… there won’t be a question about it. It won’t be like, “is he correcting me?” or should I, you know. There won’t be a fear related to it. Oh the voice of my friend. What does my friend say…. [chuckle], you know.

Interjection from person #2: Kind of, as far as like the white owl, I know that they’re species that’s almost extinct. And I feel like, yeah, it’s such a rarity to like, be able to like, like be who you are as far as being pure. But also like, not being judgmental when you look outside to the oth… to the rest of the world. But, umm…. Song of Songs 2 verses 1 and 2, it says, “I am the rose of sharon, a lily of the valley.” And it’s kind of like the beloved, it’s says, the woman says that. And her lover says, “like a lily among the thorns is my darling among the maidens.” I feel like a lot of times when you’re before the Lord, you’re like, “God, I’m just very simple and ordinary and,” but I feel you’re also one that’s like, “God, however you can use me, use me.” And I feel that ??? really hears that. But also, too, I feel like Jesus wants to tell you like “lily among the thorns,” are you to Him, you know. And I just feel like there’s just a uniqueness about you, and yeah, you may not sense it, but I just think that in the Lord’s eyes that you’re so rare, and you’re so beautiful, and so unique.

[End with prayer]

About janie

nuff about me....
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2 Responses to first timer

  1. Kevin says:

    Janie thanks for putting this up. I felt led to do the same with what I had received at Pihop. –

    Are you still at a place where it is hard to receive these compliments?

    • janie says:

      Thanks Kevin for posting! I appreciate it.
      Compliments? I think most people are a bit awkward receiving them…. so, i’ve committed to just say “thank You” instead.
      Thank You! :)

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